18 July 2024

Self-Defense in Florida

If someone attacks you, you should have the right to defend yourself. Sheriff: Fatal shooting at Forest Creek Apartments is 'Stand Your Ground' case

The sheriff says the robbery victim then pulled out another gun and a shootout ensued -- ending with the robber being shot and killed.

"And then he did leave the scene, but then he called us up, told us where he was, told us where the gun was, told us how it happened," Sheriff Simmons said. "Told us that he was robbed and he felt like he was defending himself. We got the video and it seems to corroborate his saying. ...We are classifying it, at this point, as an act of self-defense."

They don't say why he left the scene. One reason that cops accept that (in some jurisdictions anyway) is that he may have felt there were more threats in the area.

In any event, the shooter is cooperating with police, and they are satisfied at this point that it was self-defense.

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