18 July 2024

New York Times, Gun Control, and Facts (Or the Lack Thereof)

From Daniel Greenfield at Frontpage Mag we get the following: Media Pushes Gun Control After Trump Assassination [attempt.] He wasn't actually assassinated.

The rifle used by Crooks, who shot and tried to assassinate President Trump, had been bought by his father back in 2013, that means gun control legislation would have done nothing about it even assuming that was a desired outcome, but why should a minor detail like that stop the New York Times.

Congress pushing for "Do something!" gun control in the absence of facts, isn't the case the NY Slimes thinks it is, and bringing up the 2017 shooting at a Republican softball practice in Virginia, without mentioning that the shooter in that case was a Bernie Sanders supporter with a hit list of Republicans he wanted to kill, is a lie of omission. But they're the NY Times. Telling the truth is not in their nature.

Go read the whole thing.

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