26 July 2024

Friday Links - 26 July

The Other McCain is first with Snopes Attacks ‘Unfounded Rumor’ of Biden’s Medical Emergency in Vegas

Last Wednesday, I reported (“Exit Strategy? Biden Tests Positive for COVID, Retreats to Delaware”) about the official reason given when Joe Biden abruptly canceled an event in Las Vegas. He was seen boarding Air Force One and hasn’t been seen in public since then. What happened instead was that on Sunday afternoon, the Biden campaign issued a statement from Biden stating that he was ending his reelection campaign and endorsing Kamala Harris.

OldAFSarge at Chant du Départ - Fighting Foos ...

I might be getting too old for that. Well that and standing for three straight hours. (I mean seriously, who sits down at a rock concert. Not this geezer.)

A bunch of photos from the concert, kind of in order, does that really matter?

Clayton Cramer - Things to Come (1936)

This is the movie adaptation of H.G.Wells' novel. Considering it was made in 1936, the special effects are pretty amazing. The city of the future is what the most optimistic futurists could imagine.

Again from The Other McCain - The Coronation of Queen Kamala: Why Are You Peasants Such Racist Sexists?

It’s difficult for me to describe what’s on MSNBC except to say that there is zero skepticism being expressed toward the idea that Kamala Harris is eminently qualified — nay, perhaps uniquely qualified — to be President of the United States.

Mike Rowe and The Way I Heard It - Examining Rising Deaths: Who's Really Responsible?

Mike Rowe and Gavin de Becker delve into the realities of excess mortality in America on this episode of The Way I Heard It. They explore critical issues surrounding unexpected deaths and examine the factors contributing to this concerning trend.

Wombat-socho FMJRA 2.0: The Regrettably Necessary Midweek FMJRA

Son of Silvercon II was a lot of fun, even if we didn’t get the attendance we hoped for. Going to do a longer writeup on the Friends of Fission-chan blog later and link it up.

Disinformation Expert Ace at Ace of Spades HQ - Disney Stock Falls to $91 and Change On Reports of Declining Attendance At Their Groomer Theme Parks

So now Iger and his board of yes-men cronies -- and his huge leftwing backers at BlackRock and Vanguard -- have Disney all to themselves, and don't have to fear any hostile takeovers and do not have to accede to any demand to put directors on the board who will actually stand up for the shareholders.

In the Middle of the Right - So who, exactly,

Was the Secret Service Agent-In Charge at the Trump rally where the Shot was Heard Around the World? What is their name and work hisotry? We should ahve heard by now…..

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 25 July 2024: Oopsed Edition

Meanwhile in security failure news after causing billions of dollars in damage worldwide, CrowdStrike has sent out $10 Uber Eats gift cards to its affected partners. (Tech Crunch)

No, there aren't any digits missing there. Yes, that will just about cover a medium fries from McDonalds.

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