09 June 2024

This Is Bob Iger's Idea (Apparently) of How To 'Quiet the Noise' in the Culture War

So after Bob Iger said 5 or 6 times in the past two years that Disney was going to step back from politics and concentrate on "good storytelling," we get another liberal screed from a Galaxy as far away as California. The series Star Wars: The Acolyte released on Disney+ on Tuesday. I don't have Disney+, and if I could see this show for free I wouldn't bother. That is how much I don't care about what Disney has turned Star Wars into. All of Lucasfilm. And Marvel as well. Still, watching the train wreck is morbidly fascinating in some way, and more entertaining than watching anything coming out of Hollywood these days.

The Other McCain is up first with ‘The Acolyte’: Disney Now Dancing on the Shattered Ruins of ‘Star Wars’ Franchise

You’re not going to watch the new series The Acolyte because it’s only going to be streaming on Disney+ which costs $7.99 a month. Disney+ is the third-place streaming service, behind Netflix and Amazon Prime, and trust me when I say The Acolyte will not boost Disney+ in the rankings, because the people involved in making The Acolyte are proudly boasting of its anti-white, anti-heterosexual agenda.

I will be content with the clips on Twitter and YouTube.

For example, from Gary (Nerdrotic) Buechler on X/Twitter there is a clip where someone puts out a fire.

A fire
In space

Or as Ace says about the same scene:

Wait till you see the scene where the hero has to put out a fire on the exterior of a spaceship -- a fire that burns in the oxygen-free void of space.

There are a few videos on the subject of the premier episodes. (Disney dropped episodes 1 and 2, and the rest will come one per week.

There are more videos, but I will leave that to you. I think Drinker probably sums it up best

What a completely retarded, mess this show is.

Last but not least, there is Alan Ng's review on Film Threat. STAR WARS: THE ACOLYTE – SEASON 1

“This isn’t about good or bad. This is about power and who is allowed to use it.” OK, I’m out. I became a massive Star Wars fan in 1977. Ten-year-old, I bought this galaxy far, far away, and today, I don’t recognize the place anymore. Leslye Headland’s The Acolyte managed to put the final nail in the coffin for this fully grown adult. Yes. I accept it. Disney Star Wars is not for me.

It would seem that it is not for a lot of people. As I type this, the Rotten Tomatoes audience score has fallen to 26%. And I think that they are blocking reviews from being published.

There was a time, and not that long ago really, that I saw a movie at least twice a month. I was retired living on my boat in Florida, and a matinee was inexpensive. In the heat of the summer it was good to have lunch at my favorite deli, and then go to the theater. Both were at a mall about 4 blocks from the marina. There was usually something to see. Given the cost, it wasn't a tragedy if it wasn't the best movie ever. And I saw some truly awful movies, Ghost Rider comes to mind.

Now, given the cost, and the woke insanity that is offered, I can't be bothered to even know what is scheduled for release.

But Disney should take solace in the fact that The Acolyte is not the worst rated Science Fiction show on Rotten Tomatoes to be released this year. Atlas, which was released on Netflix in May, is currently sitting with a 19% audience score. (That's the Jennifer Lopez movie that was marketed as including mech battles, but in reality is a bad romantic comedy. Or something along those lines.)

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