09 June 2024

The Left Will Blame the Inanimate Object

They won't blame the murdering SOB. Detroit man accused of fatally shooting girlfriend, wounding son charged

What kind of person kills the mother of his child, and shoots his son with the intent to kill because they had "an argument?" I should add "allegedly" I suppose. So his is allegedly a heartless monster.

[Police] arrived and found Jevon Miller, 19, with a gunshot wound to her head and a three-year-old with a gunshot wound on his neck, police said. Medics arrived and pronounced Miller dead. They took the boy to a hospital where he continues to receive care, investigators said.

Detectives said Brown and Miller were in a relationship and lived together in the home at the time of the shooting. According to a preliminary investigation, the couple had an argument that escalated until he produced a handgun and shot her and their son.

The gun-hating part of the Left will say that "if only, we could by magic, eliminate all guns from the world..." In which case he would either have stabbed them, or beaten them to death.

In a sane world this guy would never see freedom again for trying to kill a child, but this isn't a sane world, it is 21st Century America, where holding people accountable for their actions is mean.

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