18 June 2024

Nature Doesn't Care About Your Feelings

And before you go into the wilderness, you should know what you are doing. Woman airlifted to hospital after dehydrated couple stranded in desert without water

They went for a hike in the desert without enough water.

On June 9 authorities dispatched a helicopter crew to assist the couple as the scorching heat passed the triple-digit mark. Authorities went to an area known as Painted Canyon where they found the couple huddled together in a dry creek bed, according to officials.

After reaching the edge of the wilderness zone, he was taken to a local hospital by ambulance, while she was take by helicopter to a trauma center due to "extreme dehydration."

The deserts of Southern California are among the hottest areas in the state. On June 9, weather stations near the Painted Canyon area saw highs ranging from 100 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 to 40.6 Celsius), according to the National Weather Service. “Please remember as the temps increase, take more water than you think you will need, have a hiking plan, and tell two people where you are going,” the Sheriff’s Department said.

Do you know how much water you need for a day in the desert? If you start your answer with, "I think," or, "I'm pretty sure," then what you are really saying is, "No!" Find out from several reputable sources before you put your life in danger. Do you have a way to call for help if you get beyond cellphone range before you get into trouble? There are several options. They start at less than $200. What? You don't want to spend $200 to save your own life?

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