18 June 2024

"Just Give Them What They Want" Is a Lie

The gun-hating Left loves to say that if you just give bad guys what they want, you will be safe. Too bad the bad guys haven't gotten memo detailing that deal. Uber driver is shot during carjacking on West Side; 3 people shot during robberies since Thursday - CWB Chicago

The 49-year-old was arriving to pick up a passenger in the 200 block of North Latrobe when the hijacker slid into the back seat of his Toyota Camry around 9:01 p.m., according to a CPD media statement. Police said the carjacker ordered the driver out of the car, and even though the victim complied with his commands, the offender shot him in the knee.

Violent criminals don't stop being violent criminals because of anything you are, or are not, doing.

So aside from pure sadism, what was the reason that this bad guy shot this victim in the knee?

There are also a few scenarios in which the Left doesn't like to discuss, "Just give them what they want." One of them is a woman dealing with a rapist.

Cooperation with criminals is not a guarantee of safety, it is a strategy for dealing with a violent encounter. Having a gun in this instance probably would not have changed the outcome much, and Uber drivers are disarmed as a matter of company policy. It is for "their own good" that they are known to be defenseless victims. Or something.

Being armed in your own defense is also not a guarantee of safety. It is also only a strategy. There are no guarantees in this life.

When it comes to Chicago, and other places like that, I have adopted a different strategy. Don't be there. In several cities, including in Chicago, the Democrats in charge of the City and the Criminal Justice system are doing everything humanly possible to destroy law and order. "The only winning move is not to play." In this case that means not being in the city.


  1. Being armed is no guarantee that you won't lose the fight.
    Wearing a seatbelt is no guarantee that you will not be injured or killed in a wreck. Life is risky. Evil people and stupid people increase that risk factor. When a lefty points out the Armed Good Guy who got shot dead as they denigrate the idea of people being armed for self protection, I like to point out the Seatbelt thing, because you Know they strap up just to move the car. They try so hard to disqualify what is reasonable because it's not guaranteed to work. It's not guaranteed to work, but more and more I'm tempted to start those conversations by smacking the lefty upside the head and go from there.
    Follow the Science they say! And the statistics Prove,not Suggest, that in the grand scheme of things, where the average person can easily carry without being afraid of being arrested or hassles for being armed, violent crime is much lower than in places with Gun Control laws. But the lefties are unaffected by The Science. They operate on The Feelz..

    1. I am SO going to steal that seatbelt analogy.


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