15 June 2024

Mark and Patricia McCloskey Convictions Expunged

This is a significant turn of events, that has taken too long to move through the courts. Armed St. Louis Couple, that MSM Tried But FAILED To Cancel, ...Convictions Expunged. Demand Guns Back

The McCloskeys, both attorneys, gained national attention in June 2020 when they were photographed and filmed brandishing an AR-15 rifle and a semi-automatic pistol as protesters marched past their home. The protestors were headed to demonstrate in front of St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson’s house, but they entered the private street where the McCloskeys live. The couple argued they felt threatened and were protecting their property from what they described as an “angry mob.

They are apparently fighting against a Soros-backed DA in St. Louis. (Hat tip to Jews Can Shoot.)

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