03 June 2024

Laugh, I Nearly Died

So I've started re-watching the TV show Supernatural. In 2005 my access to TV was hit or miss, mostly miss. I expect that I haven't seen most of the episodes in the seasons I've seen. Season 1 was mostly "Monster of the Week." Long form story telling would start in earnest later. I love monster of the week. It probably made more sense before streaming and binging, when you can be certain you haven't missed anything. Today's song is from season 1.

This is "Laugh, I Nearly Died" by The Rolling Stones from their 2005 album A Bigger Bang. It plays at the end of Season 1, Episode 5 of Supernatural, titled "Bloody Mary." It's a good show, a good episode, though not the best, and definitely a good song.

Most cop shows are "Criminal of the Week," and no one complains about that. Law and Order went on for decades when you include all the spin-offs, and that was almost exclusively self-contained episodes.

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