13 June 2024

Four Footed Predators Are Dangerous

Just recently there was TikTok/Viral thing about how women would choose a bear over a man. I bet this woman is glad she didn't make that choice. Island Park man shoots grizzly after it charges girlfriend - East Idaho News.

On the night of June 6, an Island Park resident shot and killed a yearling male grizzly as it charged the man’s girlfriend in front of their home near Last Chance.

The man said he and his girlfriend were exiting their vehicle and heading into the house when she screamed, drawing his attention to a bear running in her direction. The man was removing items from the vehicle, which included a shotgun that he was able to raise and fire toward the bear, causing it to turn and run away.

Idaho Department of Fish and Game responded to the scene upon receiving a call about a dead bear near the roadway. After a thorough investigation, it was determined that the homeowner acted in defense-of-life during a surprise encounter with the bear from a short distance.

You are only an apex predator if you are armed. Good thing he had a shotgun, and not just a pistol.

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