22 May 2024

Wednesday Link Roundup - 22 May

William Teach of Pirate's Cove is first with Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

  1. Powerline discusses the Bragg’s case against Trump
  2. The American Conservative covers forever war with Ukraine

EBL - Happy Birthday Roadhouse

19 May 1989: Roadhouse released
10 facts about Roadhouse

Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 05.21.24 (Morning Edition)

Dana Loesch: The Mondays
Don Surber: Weekend of wins

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 20 May 2024: First Catch Your Rabbit Edition

Hertz has been charging customers hundreds of dollars for fuel... For Teslas. (The Drive)
That's gotta, uh, sting.

Tam at View From The Porch - Tab Clearing...

The Connoisseur's Glock.
The pitfalls of using blanks in scenario training.

Don Surber - Highlights of the News

ITEM 2: PJ Media reported, “$7.5 Billion Later, Biden Is Up to 7 EV Charging Stations.”
I wish FJB would build me a gas station so I don’t have to drive all the way to the convenience store to fill up. Plus I could use the billion bucks.

Wombat-socho again - In The Mailbox: 05.21.24 (Evening Edition)

American Power: Sebastian Junger, How I Came Face to Face with the Idea of an Afterlife
American Thinker: Lessons from COVID Totalitarianism

Political Hat - News of the Week (May 19th, 2024)

Trump Needs Another Judges List
Two of the unprecedented things Donald Trump did in 2016 were to release a list of potential Supreme Court picks and to win the presidency.

Battleswarm Blog - Gun News Roundup for May 21, 2024

“Texas, Gun Owners of America Secure Court Order Against ATF.”
And speaking of Cornyn gun legislation, he filed a bill to undo the Biden Administration’s attempts to ensnare ordinary Americans in ATF regulations:

Small Dead Animals - Saturday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America: The Left is a hate group. Creating a poultry panic.
Blackie’s Canada: Nuns vs Natives. A tale of two fake genocides.
Woke World: Decline is a choice.

A View from the Beach - More Flotsam and Jetsam - Biden Claim to Have Been VP during Pandemic

Hat Hair's John Sexton thinks June Could Be a Tough Month for the Biden Family "So you have a president who has to kick his campaign into a higher gear next month at the same time that his son is involved in two trials, either of which could send him to prison.

Gates of Vienna - News Feed 5/20/2024

Biden Risks American Lives to Protect Hamas
The United States of America has been conducting backchannel talks with Hamas to ask the Islamic terrorist organization not to attack American soldiers helping deliver aid to Gaza.

Bacon Time!!!! - Sunday Linkage

The Air Vent - Esteemed Doctor, Coincidence Theorist and Deputy Director of the NIH — Dr. Tabak
Watts Up With That? - America’s Power Grid Could Buckle Under Sweltering Summer Heat, Watchdog Warns

Vlad Tepes - Leftists try to take sign away from people who want rapists to leave France, Pickton Pig farm murders look different today and more: Links 1 for May 21st, 2024

5. Paul Weston takes the trouble to track some of the Covid narrative drivers which has caused so much suffering and resulted in so much damage to our civilization and liberties.

Cafe Hayek - Some Links

Bryan Caplan talks with me about Bastiat and housing.
Bob Graboyes reports that “the United Nations casually concedes the falsity of its incendiary Gaza casualty data.”

Disinformation Expert Ace at Ace of Spades HQ - Quick Hits

So we learn in the NFL, you can be a rapist, woman beater, abandon your kids, a racist, misogynist, adulterer, you can be a number of things," but you can't be a conservative or a traditionalist.

Doug Ross - Larwyn’s Linx: Camp of the Dumbbells

• US Administration Abandons Israel, Empowers Enemies Majid Rafizadeh
• You Will Eat the Bugs Ace

Anonymous Conservative - News Briefs – 05/21/2024

“Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose ordered the state’s voter rolls to be purged of “non-citizens” Tuesday after a review found more than 100 Ohio residents who were registered to vote despite lacking U.S. citizenship.”

I leave you with Sunday Memes .. from MaddMedic, Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1771 from 90 Miles from Tyranny, and Mondays..... gifdump from Wirecutter.

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