31 May 2024

Friday Links - 31 May

Professor David Yamane of Gun Culture 2.0 starts things off with Let’s Talk Guns Project Launch

As I argue in the conclusion to my book, Gun Curious, we need to have civil conversations across our differences on the issue of guns.

Blazing Cat Fur - Disabled Canadian ‘traumatized’ after being offered euthanasia multiple times

A Canadian with a chronic, painful disability says he feels “pillaged” and “traumatized” after being denied good care, yet offered euthanasia “multiple times.”

Chicago Contrarian - Lawmakers, Media Gaslighting Won’t Solve Chicago’s Intractable Crime Problem

Chicago is a violent city — one that is significantly more violent than in the pre-pandemic year of 2019.

In 2023, while homicides were down 14 percent from 2022, violent crimes overall — led by a surge in carjackings — were 11 percent higher, according to the Chicago Data Portal.

There were 625 murders last year — that figure was 45 percent higher than a decade ago.

The Other McCain - Rigged Jury in Show Trial Delivers Guilty Verdict Demanded by Corrupt Judge

Was there ever any doubt about this predetermined outcome? The way that Judge Juan Merchan instructed the jury made anything but a guilty verdict impossible, if there was ever any doubt to begin with (which there wasn’t).

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 30 May 2024: In Alaska In February With The Windows Open Edition

Google has confirmed that leaked technical details of its search engine are genuine. (The Verge)

Experts believe this is likely to make Google Search worse, though they were unable to explain how this is possible.

Moonbattery - Met Curator Joins Racial Impostor List

Don’t be too hard on racial imposters. These days you no longer get ahead by working hard, but by whimpering belligerently that your privileged identity group was once oppressed. Those unlikely enough not to be born into such a group may feel they have to fake it.

Watts Up With That? - Noah’s Ark Weather, Or A Normal British Summer? Will The Met Office Make Its Mind Up Please?

It must now be abundantly clear that the climate change wing of the Met Office is totally out of control, feeling able to put out whatever climate propaganda they can get away with.

Pirate's Cove - Weird: Britain Warned They Need More Subsidies For Wind Power

Huh. So, no one wants to lose money on wind power? They do not want to do this without government giving them vast amounts of money? Remember, these would be in addition to all the tax breaks.

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