23 May 2024

Feminism And the Attacks on Harrison Butker

First we have a opinion piece from the DailyMail. I'm single, childless and alone. Feminism has failed me and my generation, writes PETRONELLA WYATT

Petronella Wyatt is a British journalist. Her father was a politician aligned with Thatcher, and she even met Margaret Thatcher at a young age.

Every Monday I meet with a group of female friends in a London restaurant. We sit at a table near the window and discuss our lives.

We have many things in common. We are all in our mid-50s and highly educated career women. But there is a vacuum in our lives. We are all single and childless.

I increasingly feel, as do many of my intimates, that feminism has failed our generation. I grew up with its beliefs. No, strike that. I was force-fed them.

She had an aunt that gave her her books by Gloria Steinem and Simone de Beauvoir. Margaret Thatcher told her that career came before everything. 

Now she is not happy with her life.

This is in addition to the TikTok video of the 29-year-old who is single and very unhappy. There are a whole lot of reactions from Brett Cooper of The Comments Section, to Tim Pool of TimCast IRL to those videos; I'm sure you can find them if you're interested.

The best take I've seen is from Amala Ekpunobi and her video is She’s 29 And Single. She’s Asking Where She Went Wrong.

And of course all of this is backstopped by the commencement address given by Harrison Butker, in which he had the audacity to suggest that you might be happier with a spouse and a family, than you will be as a working, single office drone your whole life. But for this is was attacked by the Cancel Pigs, because "How dare you have an opinion that we disagree with!"

Strange times.

As for Harrison Butker, here's a take you won't see in the lamestream media. From Glenn Harlan Reynolds: Harrison Butker, Harbinger?

Speaking to a graduation crowd at conservative Catholic Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, Butker took on Joe Biden’s performative faux-Catholicism, transgender ideology and – most shockingly – suggested to female graduates that they would find a better, more rewarding, and more productive life as wives and mothers than in corporate-style careers.

1 comment:

  1. Occasionally I'd see Gloria,with a microphone, spewing the garbage. I remember thinking, They Otta give a microphone to my mom. She's not an idiot. I didn't see where it was going, but I never understood just how did Gloria wind up with a microphone.. And I few years ago I heard she was CIA. No comments from her yet. I dunno..


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