23 May 2024

Don't Bring a Knife to a Gunfight

Things generally won't end well for you. Woman shoots, kills man who came to her Southern California home armed with knives

Deputies from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department responded to a call about a possible violation of a restraining order. When they arrived, they found an Asian male suffering from a gunshot wound. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

LASD says the Asian male arrived at the home armed with knives and attempted to stab a White male and White female who lived at the property. Investigators determined that the female shot the deceased to stop him from advancing on her and the male.

More self defense in California, and in greater Los Angeles no less.

The reporter, excuse me "professional journalist," seems unclear on the nature of domestic disturbances. After noting that there was a "violation of a restraining order" (alleged), they include this statement.

It is unclear how the three individuals knew each other, or a motive for why the Asian man appeared the property with weapons.

Does anyone think it is a stretch assume that he is a stalker turned violent? Whether he was an ex-boyfriend, ex-husband, obsessed coworker, or the creepy guy from the coffee shop, it doesn't matter. There couldn't be a "possible violation of a restraining order" if there was no restraining order. I guess they don't teach logic in journalism school.

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