24 April 2024

Zack Snyder's Attempt to Make Star Wars

I don't know why people think Zack Snyder is 2024's answer to Steven Spielberg or Nicholas Meyer. He's not.

His first Superman movie, Man of Steel, was OK, not great. The 2 movies of his that have stood out were 300 and Watchmen. And Watchmen failed to make its money back, being darker than your average superhero movie, and not finding an audience as a result. In both of those cases, which are good, genre movies, based on solid graphic novels, someone else was responsible for the writing.

His latest effort is a ripoff of (or homage to) Star Wars. I could tell you what I thought, but I haven't bothered to see all of it. Part one really wasn't worth finishing. It came in 2 parts, because he needed 6 hours to do what George Lucas did in 2. And he failed to do that.

So here is what Will Jordan (The Critical Drinker) has to say. He watched the movie so you don't have to.

It all adds up to a big pile of pretentious, dull, unimaginative dog shit, without an ounce of energy or creative imagination. A film that was an absolute chore to get through, that has nothing to say, and seems to have no particular reason for existing. I mean, don't get me wrong. I totally get why people wanted these movies to be good. I know we need to start creating new things to replace the tired, old franchises that are being slowly bulldozed into the ground, but while it pains me to say this, Rebel Moon isn't the answer, and Zack Snyder isn't the man to provide it.

This is The Critical Drinker video Rebel Moon Part Two - Please Make It Stop!

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