05 April 2024

Friday Links - 5 April

Pirate's Cove is up first with some "bad" news on the electric vehicle front. Huh: Britons Ditching Their EVs For Reliable Fossil Fueled Vehicles (He sells cars for a living.)

Tires are more expensive. Users are seeing battery degradation early, like with smartphones. Yet, Government is expecting people to keep them 10-20 years.

Impro Guns - 3D Printed Gun Workshop Raided in Belgium

The pistols seized appear to be variations of the Y22 Hammer which was designed to be made in bedrooms in Europe.

From Professor David Yamane at Gun Culture 2.0 - Bibliography and Videography of My Major Works on Guns and Gun Culture. Also the video of the presentation he gave at the 2019 National Firearms Law Seminar.

Cumulative list of significant products of my work on American gun culture.

Tam at View From The Porch - ...and fruit flies like a banana. (I feel old.)

Reminder to my fellow GenX'ers: Reminiscing about the Eighties and Nineties today is like our parents and grandparents reminiscing about the Forties and Fifties back in the Eighties.

City Journal - “It’s an Empty Executive Suite”

Boeing is—or was—a great company. From its manufacturing plants in Seattle, it produced the world’s most reliable, efficient aircraft. But after merging with McDonnell Douglas, shifting production around the world, and moving its headquarters to Chicago and then Arlington, Virginia, the Boeing Company has been adrift.

Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media - Honest Question for Trump-Averse Republicans: How Bad Do Things Have to Get?

Look around at what Joe Biden and his equally unstable cabal of commie handlers have "achieved" in just three years. Our long problematic border with Mexico has erupted into a humanitarian and national security crisis. Already beleaguered American taxpayers are footing the bill to house and feed illegal aliens all over the country. Criminals from all over the world are part of the Biden border parade, including military aged men from China.

The Other McCain - Is It Panic Time for Democrats Yet?

Seven months is a long time in politics. Anything could happen between now and Election Day. Even if you’re not worried about another “plandemic” (and I’ll let everyone be their own judge of what constitutes sufficient paranoia), it is not safe to presume that the political situation as it looks in April will be anything like the situation in November. Having offered that caveat, OH BOY DO THINGS LOOK BAD FOR BIDEN!

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