03 April 2024

Free Speech Is Dead at Harvard

What's the opposite of Diversity? University. Harvard is named worst school for free speech — scoring zero out of possible 100

The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) released its annual college free speech rankings on Wednesday, which dubbed the state of free speech at the Ivy League school “abysmal.”

“I’m not totally surprised,” Sean Stevens, director of polling and analytics at FIRE, told The Post. “We’ve done these rankings for years now, and Harvard is consistently near the bottom.”

Fire was generous with the zero rating because Harvard's actual score on there survey was -10.69.

The score is calculated based on factors including how strong the school’s policies in favor of free speech are and how many professors, students and campus speakers have been targeted by authorities for their speech.

It was made worse by the number of professors that Harvard sanctioned over issues of free speech.

You are not allowed to say things that are not approved. You are not allowed to think thoughts that are not approved.

This is pretty much the opposite of what colleges were about back in the Dark Ages, when I went to college.

The number one school for free speech was Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Michigan. The school earned 78.01 out of 100 possible points.

“I’m not necessarily surprised that a technological school has a better speech climate, primarily for the reason that they don’t really talk as much about controversial topics,” Stevens said. “They’re there to make things work as engineers.”

There is more at the link, including the others near the top and bottom of the list.

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