01 March 2024

The 3rd Story Today of Homeowners Confronting Car Burglars

At least in this case can be classified as "Good Guys 1, Bad Guys 0." Homeowner shoots car burglary suspect in Northeast Side neighborhood, police say

The previous two posts deal with homeowners confronting people burglarizing cars. I don't think that is an especially good idea, but you are free to disagree. This story is the more of the same.

San Antonio police said a man realized someone was breaking into his car outside his home and confronted him. At some point, the car owner fired at least 10 shots, hitting the suspected burglar.

And a reminder that we all need to spend more time at the range.

The would-be, car burglar showed up at a local hospital with gunshot wounds in both legs. No word on his condition or charges that may be forthcoming.

In three stories that I found of homeowners confronting criminals, two of the homeowners were injured. Does that reflect the statistics overall? I don't know, and for once I don't care. I don't own anything that is worth getting shot by violent criminals over. And stuff that I do care about isn't left in my car overnight. I have some roadside-emergency stuff, a couple of quarts of oil, an empty cooler (it is a long way to the grocery store), and some junk mail. If it all disappeared, I would complain to friends for about 10 minutes, and get on with my life.

I will fight to defend my safety and the safety of those I care about, but I really am not interested in being shot of stuff.

Note: Also see the posts Do You Own Anything That Is Worth Your Life? and Do You Own Anything That Is Worth Your Life? Part 2

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