01 March 2024

Do You Own Anything That Is Worth Your Life? Part 2

In the previous post there was a citizen who had a gun fired in his direction. He was injured by broken glass, but not by fast-moving lead. This guy was not so lucky. Homeowner shot, vehicles burglarized in far West Side neighborhood, deputies say

When the suspects attempted to burglarize a vehicle on Creager Canyon, Salazar said an unarmed homeowner came outside to confront them. The homeowner ended up being shot when the suspects fled the scene inside the stolen white Lexus.

There were 2 problems. One is, the Lexus they stole was unlocked and the keys were inside. That is perhaps the stupidest thing I've read in a decade. (Will insurance cover terminal idiocy?) The second problem is, as follows. If you own anything worth your life, it should not be left in your car overnight. I doubt seriously that you own any material good that is worth your life, but difference of opinion makes a horse race.

The homeowner was taken by ambulance to an area hospital, where he is expected to recover.

So he was shot, but not in the head or the heart. Could have easily been different. May still be a life-altering injury.

These are not kids from 40 years ago who are TPing the trees in the neighborhood. There a violent criminals running around. Going out to "confront them" is probably not the best idea.

Now this happened in Texas, but they don't say whether or not the homeowner was armed. It doesn't matter. Carrying a gun is not like carrying a magic wand. It will not guarantee that you won't be injured or killed. And unless you are going to open fire from cover... Just call 911, and your insurance company.

Note: Also see the posts Do You Own Anything That Is Worth Your Life? and The 3rd Story Today of Homeowners Confronting Car Burglars

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