07 February 2024

The Guns of Palworld, and Their Real World Analogues

Jonathan Ferguson is the Keeper of Firearms & Artillery at the Royal Armouries museum in the United Kingdom. He identifies the weapons that appear in the game Palworld, or as many of them as anyone can. Some of them are pure fantasy, some of them are fairly generic, but some of them are surprisingly lifelike.

Why? Because it's fun.

This is the GameSpot video Firearms Expert Reacts To PALWORLD's Guns.

Hat tip to

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony and Daily News Stuff 5 February 2024: Electric Jeep Edition

Also, I didn't know gaming websites still made content like this. Full marks to GameSpot.

Disclaimer: Whoa, okay, we just shot our animal friend at the enemy. Why did we do that?
Because you can.

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