14 February 2024

Another Girl-Boss Superhero Movie

Another girl-boss movie destined to fail. From the Independent (out of the UK). Madame Web branded an ‘embarrassing mess’ as Dakota Johnson’s Marvel film finally surfaces

Another Spider-Man movie without Spider-Man. That didn't work out too well for Morbius; some are saying this movie is worse.

The review embargo is still in place, because the studio - Sony in this case - has no faith in the movie. So we are limited to reactions without details. That means no spoilers, just in case anyone was planning to see it.

This is a typical reaction:

YouTuber Cris Parker wrote: “#MadameWeb is an embarrassing mess. Talented stars wasted on probably the worst comic book movie I have ever seen. Filled with atrocious dialogue, awkward editing & all around laughable structure. I sat there baffled scene by scene someone approved this. The memes will redeem it.”

It takes place in the same DC Universe as the Venom movies, and Morbius. Somehow the Venom movies made money. I saw the first one, and can remember very little about it. Morbius cost $70 million to make, at least, plus marketing. It grossed $162 million at the global box office, of which the studio gets about half. At least they didn't spend $200 million making it they way Disney does, but it still lost millions for Sony. Tens of millions. I do remember Morbius; something that bad sticks with you. When people say this movie is worse, that is saying something.

In case you're wondering, I won't be seeing it in theaters. I MIGHT see it, when I can see it for free, but by the time it shows up on streaming, or my library gets a DVD, I probably won't even be curious. (As of 23:30 eastern time last night, Rotten Tomatoes had the critics' score at 18.)

And it opens today, Valentine's Day, because I guess they thought a lame girl-boss movie would be a good place to take a date, or something.

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