14 January 2024

Women Do Lie

Even after Amber Heard the whole notion of believe all women still has life.

Men lie. Women lie.

One sex is not above telling lies when it will profit them, or as in this case, to get back at an ex.

Jonathan Hanes was accused of some vile stuff by an ex-girlfriend, and because of the idea that women never lie, he was hounded, on the internet and in real life. His family was attacked. He eventually wrote a suicide note and posted it to Instagram (?), but he did not kill himself.

The accusations were all false, because the ex-girlfriend was/is a liar. But she got a pass, just like Amber did.

Amala Ekpunobi hopes that there will be some justice, but it won't come in this life. Mr. Hanes could sue for defamation, but you can't get money where there is none. The only place where there might be some justice is in the hereafter, because I think this falls under the heading of "Bearing false witness against thy neighbor."

This is Amala Ekpunobi's video She Ruined His Life. Then We Learned the TRUTH.

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