07 January 2024

Houston Grand Jury Returns "No Bill" on Taqueria Shooting

What is self-defense, and what is vigilantism? Houston grand jury declines to charge man who shot and killed robber inside taqueria

I'm all in favor of self-defense. And I understand that passions run high in a stressful situation. But I'm still conflicted.

A grand jury decided on Wednesday that it will not charge a man who shot and killed 30-year-old Eric Eugene Washington, according to a press release from the Harris County District Attorney's Office, after Washington entered the El Ranchito taqueria in January 2023 while flashing what appeared to be a gun and robbing the residents inside in an incident that was captured on video.

I won't lose any sleep over Mr. Washington. He thought robbing a restaurant in Houston, with a realistic-looking toy gun, was a good idea. It clearly was not a good idea. The nature of the fake-firearm doesn't come into play, because everyone assumed it was real. Based on the best information that had in the heat of the moment, it was real.

As the state declines to provide law and order through soft-on-crime policies, more people will decide that they have to provide their own safety.

The video at the article shows the robbery, but stops before the shooting. You can find the full video online if you are interested.

The security video went viral on social media, and activists quickly called for the man, who has not been identified by authorities, to be pursued for criminal charges in what they called an act of vigilantism.

But then "activists" never want to see criminals held to account for their acts. And why is it that activists' positions are worthy of being reported? Is that akin to saying, "This is what the Twitter Mob wanted?" Unnamed activists... Why should I care what they have to say?

And what would make you believe that you would be the ONLY armed person in a restaurant in Houston, Texas? Did he think he was in New Jersey or on the island of Manhattan? (Hat tip to The Tactical Hermit.)

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