07 January 2024

Disney/Star Wars Prepares to Set Fire to Another $200 Million

Or maybe I should say Kathleen Kennedy at Disney/Lucasfilm is set to burn some cash. But hey, what is a couple of a hundred million dollars to a company like Disney? They burned a billion dollars in 2023 pushing The Message™. At least a billion dollars.

When the mainstream press notices that you are setting out to (further) destroy your franchise you are around the bend. You are so far around the bend that you can't even see it in the rear view mirror. From the Daily Mail 'This movie will be Disney's biggest flop yet': Star Wars fans say female-led next installment is destined to fail after 2015 comments from feminist director saying her goal 'is to make men uncomfortable'. Actually if Disney can manage to make a special-effects-heavy blockbuster for less than $250,000,000 it will be a miracle. Indiana Jones and the Insufferable Feminist Dial of Destiny cost at least $300 million, before marketing.

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is the director that Kathleen Kennedy has selected for the next installment of Star Wars. She is "known" for making feminist documentaries. She has absolutely no experience in effects-heavy blockbuster-style movies. But she wasn't selected because anyone at Disney thinks she can produce a great movie.

However, many have unearthed comments made on a panel Obaid-Chinoy did with Meryl Streep and Jon Stewart that has provoked outrage over Disney prioritizing politics over good filmmaking.

'I like to make men uncomfortable. I enjoy making men uncomfortable,' she said during the panel.

That is only one statement. There are a couple more along those lines.

But the biggest problem with Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is that she knows nothing about Star Wars. The fact that she knows absolutely nothing about Star Wars was made clear by the fact that she said that she will be "the first woman" to take a hand in shaping the Star Wars franchise. That means she knows nothing about Marcia Lucas, George's ex-wife, and the role she played in the original movie. She basically edited that movie, and has been credited with saving it from George's excess. But of course that doesn't matter to Millennials, Zoomers and the like. If they don't know about something, it never happened. And they know almost nothing.

The Daily Mail then goes on to bring up the "Enter the Panderverse" episode/special from South Park. "Put a chick in it, and make her lame and gay." That seems to be what they are going to do with next movie.

Several people have said that this is the sequel that no one asked for. Here is a short video of the in-theater reaction to the last Star Wars movie, Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker. Directed by Jar Jar Abrams, of Bad Reboot Robot fame. That is the movie they feel deserves a sequel. No one wanted to see a sequel before they hired Obaid-Chinoy, and now ... Well, almost no one. I've recently had an "encounter" on The Social Media Platform Formerly Known As Twitter with someone who just loves the current state of a Galaxy Far, Far Away.

As you can imagine, there are any number of videos and articles about this story. Some are linked below, but I embedded one from Amala Ekpunobi, because she says exactly what I believe. It is 12 minutes long.

This is Amala Ekpunobi's video Disney Hires WOKE Feminist Director for New Star Wars

Here is a list of videos about the upcoming Star Wars movie. I haven't watched all of them all the way thru, because they all cover the same ground - watching at 1.5 times normal does help with this stuff. Some of the jokes are good though.

There are even more videos, but quite of few of them are much longer - on the order of an hour or more each. This is enough to be going on with. I will note that this was the first topic of conversation on Friday Night Tights on Nerdrotic's YouTube channel, in which it was pointed out that Disney can't back out of this film without offending the Twitter mob. How could they fire a diverse female? They can't.

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