12 December 2023

US Students' Math Scores Fall to All-Time Low

People in education hate math, because there are right answers and wrong answers. There is no room for BS. US Math Scores Hit All-Time Low On International Exam | ZeroHedge

According to data released Tuesday, American 15-year-olds had a 13 point plunge out of 1000 on the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) exam, which was given last year to 620,000 students in 81 countries worldwide.

"These results are another piece of evidence showing the crisis in mathematics achievement," said Peggy Carr, commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, in a statement to WaPo. "Only now can we see that it is a global concern."

If you're building a bridge, and you get the math wrong, it will fall down. That link is to a story about the Florida International University pedestrian bridge that collapsed in March of 2018. The math was wrong, and several people died. The forces of nature don't care about your politics, or your virtue signalling. You get the math right, or your bridge will fall down and kill people.

ZeroHedge tries to polish the math-score turd by noting we moved up from 29th place to 26th place relative to other countries. That does not strike me as cause for celebration. (Hat tip to Gates of Vienna.)

1 comment:

  1. Third-world population, third-world country. Republicans voted for it, and continue to openly support mass immigration. Their voters let them and now they (and their children and grandchildren) are going to get it, good and hard.


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