12 December 2023

Climate Summit - Hypocrisy of the Highest Order

But what did we expect? Do you really think Bill Gates is going to sign up to eat bugs? Of course not. He just wants YOU to eat the bugs. Meat for Me but Not for Thee: Why the Climate Summit’s Menu Hypocrisy Was by Design.

The climate summit's menu included cheese steaks, and ribs, and more.

In short, the narrative they delivered was that there’s no contradiction between wanting the rest of the world to live in poverty while eating lab-grown meat and cricket burgers while still allowing the elites to live luxurious lives. That message was well received by attendees and will be spread to the rest of the elites.

In other words, they don’t have to worry about their own lifestyles being harmed by the draconian mandates being proposed. Those mandates are for the lower classes. The elites will be just fine.

Read the whole thing.

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