11 December 2023

The West's War on Free Speech

Free Speech, free thought, freedom of expression. These were the cornerstones of a free society as established by the Enlightenment. Western nations are turning their back on freedom. The West Is Taking Draconian Measures to Silence Free Speech - The Organic Prepper

A man in the US went to jail over a meme. New Zealand is prosecuting a man who uncovered "adverse data" about the recent vaccine. Ireland is outlawing free speech because how dare you insult people.

The West is at war with free speech.

Western governments are trying harder than ever to attack any kind of political dissident as a far-right, racist conspiracy theorist.

On the one hand, this extreme crackdown on inconvenient speech is disturbing and upsetting. Barry Young [the Australian] should be treated like a hero, not put in jail. Average citizens should be able to discuss their frustrations with immigration policies without being automatically labeled racist. Anyone dumb enough to fall for a “Ricky Vaughn” voting meme probably shouldn’t be voting anyway.

Click thru. There is more, including some signs of hope.

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