05 December 2023

State Attorneys' Hate Self-defense

That is true, even in Florida. Jurors say Ocala man not guilty of second-degree murder

After a three-day trial, a jury on Friday found Shannon Le-Neir Montgomery not guilty of second-degree murder with a firearm.

Ocala is about 40 miles south of Gainesville, and roughly 50 miles northwest of Orlando.

After 3 days of trial it took the jury about 1 hour to find Mr. Montgomery not guilty.

The jury, consisting of three men and three women, went to discuss the case at 6:04 p.m. Friday. They announced they had made up their minds at 7:02 p.m. The clerk read the verdict aloud at 7:16 p.m.

Now I wasn't there, and I don't know what happened, but it certainly sounds like the prosecution didn't come close to proving anything, except that they hate self-defense.

The State Attorney's Office issued a boilerplate "we thank the jury," and not much else.

There are a lot of details about the trial and the investigation, but this one stood out to me:

In one instance, one witness told the court she deliberately picked the wrong person from a photo lineup because she told detectives not to come to her residence and they showed up anyway. She didn't want them coming to her residence because the defendant's family lives near her.

So fuck what witnesses want. "We are trying to win a case." Doesn't seem like the way to do that.

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