10 December 2023

Another Cop Who Doesn't Realize that Cameras Are Everywhere

A Chicago cop thought she could claim she had been robbed. She was wrong. Chicago police officer charged with falsely claiming she was robbed of $5,000

Prosecutors said on Sept. 23, CPD officer Zondranika Williams called 911 and told the operator her name and that she was a police officer. She said she had been robbed of $5,000 cash while in the alley by her garage in the 8000 block of South Wabash.

Police arrived and Williams told them her surveillance cameras weren't working.

But then she wasn't the only one with cameras trained on the alley.

Police obtained surveillance video from a neighbor. It showed Williams, 37, taking a duffel bag out of her car, then walking in and out of camera view. No one else ever appeared on screen.

So. She was fired after 8 years on the job, and lost her pension, what little of it she was invested in. And then there are the charges.

She was charged with felony disorderly conduct and false report of an offense after saying she was robbed when she was off duty, but prosecutors said that never happened.

Unless you are in the middle of no where - and maybe even then - you should assume that there are cameras around, and watching. Welcome to the Panoptican. (Hat tip to Ruined Leon.)

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