17 November 2023

Why They Hate Snow White

The Left can't stand anything that is remotely Christian. Why they really hate Snow White - Don Surber

Don Surber does a credible job of giving us the history of Snow White at Disney, and the history of this incarnation. The movie was "finished" in 2022, but not released because test audiences hated it. That is interesting on its own.

He also gives a credible history of Rachel Zegler, the lead actress, chosen by Disney to play the new Snow White, including all of her recent box office bombs.

Zegler is a piece of work. She called Prince Charming a stalker, which shows she never watched the original and she does not know what a stalker is. He didn’t follow Snow White around like a lovesick incel. He was a hero who searched for her and saved her life.

But the heart of the matter is the problem that Hollywood has with classic stories.

What bothers the people who run Disney is not the hue and size of the characters but the moral to the story.

Shraddha Mishra wrote on November 9, 2022, “The story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a popular bedtime story for children. The fairy tale has been told since generations to teach children important values like love, kindness, friendship, helping each other, and refraining from vanity.”

When she happens on a cottage with seven little beds, she assumes that orphans live there, and in an act of charity, cleans the place.

Those are Christian values. The antithesis is vanity, which the left promotes with its gay pride, black pride, Muslim pride and the rest. Separating people from God is a goal of all who seek power over man.

There is more. Click thru.

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