16 November 2023

Firearms Are the True Equalizer

Physical strength is not an issue if you have the tools to defend yourself. Armed woman steps in to defend man shot in the face from aggressor | Fox News

Two guys get in a verbal argument. They eventually let it go and walk away. One of them couldn't let it go.

About 30 minutes later, Jolly reportedly tracked down the other man and confronted him with a gun.

Jolly then allegedly shot the other man in the face, police said.

That is when an armed bystander stepped in. This didn't happen in New York City, so the cops didn't arrest the bystander.

The unnamed bystander then stepped in to defend the injured man, police said.

"Right after he does that... a concerned citizen shoots back trying to protect (the man) and hits Jolly about five times. She shoots him five times," [Capt. Seth] Treadway told the outlet.

Both guys are expected to survive. Cops do not expect the woman to face any charges.

Jolly was found to be the aggressor and is now facing charges of felony assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, inflicting serious injury, firearm by a felon and assault by pointing a gun.

Those are preliminary charges. The DA will make the final determination.

Defense of self and others is a human-right. It also seems to be your legal right in North Carolina.

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