01 November 2023

Wednesday Link Roundup - 1 November

Pirate's Cove starts things rolling with Sorta Blogless Patriotic Pinup

  1. Legal Insurrection wonders why overt Jew hatred has increased since 10/7
  2. Moonbattery covers Pallywood in Gaza

The DaleyGator - Daily Top 5

Bearing Arms
Anti-2A Activist Frets About Recent Defensive Gun Uses

Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 10.30.23

Cafe Hayek: Emoting Is Easier Than Thinking
CDR Salamander: Rickover Uncensored with Claude Berube, also, 33 and 10

Theo Spark - Bits and Bobs.................

World War III is Here and We’re Losing It
Hezbollah death toll continues to rise

EBL - Trucks: Electric vs. Hybrid? How about just plain old diesel or gasoline ICE?

Toyota went hybrid for its trucks, Ford went electric...
At least with a hybrid you have range and the ability to tow. You are still better off with an ICE.
Toyota avoided the billion dollar EV trap that may take out Ford with its Model E-dsel.

Political Hat - News of the Week (October 29th, 2023)

Another Nail In the Global Warming Coffin
Statistics Norway, the government agency that produces official statistics for that country, released a report last month titled ...

Small Dead Animals - Saturday On Turtle Island

The corrupt DOJ. A media failure. What Israel needs from America. We need to institutionalize the mentally ill. Meanwhile at the Mexican border.

Don Surber - Highlights of the week: All hail the new Speaker, what's-his-name

ITEM 9: Powerline reported that the New York Times is clinging to its story about Israelis bombing a hospital and killing 500 people — when in fact it was a Palestinian missile that struck the parking lot and killed 20 people.

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 28 October 2023: Age Of Empires Edition

Sam Bankman-Fraud says he didn't steal customer funds. (Tech Crunch)
Rather, Alameda (which he controlled) borrowed the funds from FTX (which he controlled) without authorisation by the customers and with no plan to pay them back.

Wombat-socho again - In The Mailbox: 10.31.23

Vox Popoli: Red China Disappears Israel, also, The End of Free Social Media
Stoic Observations: The Trash Experience
Flappr: The Importance of Cigars

A View from the Beach - Flotsam and Jetsam - Is Jill Biden Sauron?

John Solomon at JTN reports Archives locates 82,000 pages of Joe Biden pseudonym emails, possibly dwarfing Clinton scandal "Disclosure made in little-notice status briefing as FOIA litigation advances"

Vlad Tepes - Remember remember, the 9th of November: Links 1 for October 31, 2023

2. There has been a lot of kerfuffle in the past two weeks about various North American agencies, including Health Canada, admitting to DNA contamination of the injections.

Gates of Vienna - News Feed 10/31/2023

Bidenomics: Typical US Family Would Pay $9,100 to Comply With ‘Dream House’ Climate Wish List
The Biden administration’s war on fossil fuels would cost the average American household more than $9,100 per year

Cafe Hayek - Some Links

David Henderson explains why industrial policy fails. ...
“Biden Wants Another $56 Billion in ‘Emergency’ Spending” – so reads the headline of the latest by Eric Boehm.

Maggie's Farm - Saturday morning links

IDF: Hamas Uses Al-Shifa Hospital as Main Terror Base
The deranged defence of Hamas on campuses across the West is fuelling a counter-revolution that could finally loosen the stranglehold of wokeism

J.J. Sefton at Ace of Spades HQ - The Morning Report — 10/31/23

"Hamas' humiliation."
Female Battalion of IDF Eliminates 100 Terrorists

Doug Ross - Larwyn’s Linx: The Global War on the Jews

• The Great Betrayal Suzy Weiss and Francesca Block
• California Democrats Bans Jews From Having Guns BattleSwarm

Anonymous Conservative - News Briefs – 10/31/2023

Jack Posobiec puts DeSantis and Haley on blast for their silence as Colorado tries to remove Trump from the ballot. Oddly enough Jack has still deleted his Microchip as Q expose.

I leave you with Sunday Funnies For 10-29-23 from Stately McDaniel Manor, Mondays, I swear from Wirecutter, and Sunday funnies from Bluebird of Bitterness.

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