19 November 2023

The Breakdown of Civilization Continues Apace

What happens when a culture destroys morals, institutions, the family, ... ? Shooters getting younger: Record number of juveniles charged with gun-related murder

Nowhere will the "authorities" mention the nihilism that is American culture in the 21st Century.

The answers to why this is happening are complicated. Defense attorneys, prosecutors, researchers and community leaders point to readily available guns, families struggling after the pandemic, kids’ exposure to violence, a mental health crisis among youth, and a culture on social media that both idolizes guns and quickly changes petty feuds from verbal disagreements to gunfire.

There are some statistics if you click thru, and there is spin.

Parents in denial that little Johnny would do anything bad, big government types calling for more big government spending, and maybe even a few programs that could help. Probably not as much as undoing the damage done to the family in the past 50 years by government programs, but there you are.

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