19 November 2023

Don't Point a Gun At Someone Because You Are Pissed-Off at a Pizza Place

He "may have" been intoxicated. Kirbyville man shot and killed in Lumberton, police say it was self-defense | Local News | KJAS

He was apparently mad at the people at his local Papa John's Pizza. As he was leaving he threw a pizza box at a father's head. The father asked him, "What are you doing?" The soon-to-be dead guy's reaction to this, perfectly reasonable question, was to pull a gun an point it at the father.

According to Chief Sullins, as this was happening the son was getting out of their vehicle and saw what was happening. The son then pulled his own gun and fired four to six shots at Palmore, who was struck in the head and died at the scene.

All over a dispute over pizza. People need to learn to chill, and not throw pizza boxes at strangers for no reason.

A lot of these stories make little sense, but this story makes less sense than most. Unless he was intoxicated.

Since this happened in Texas, police did not arrest the son, because they understand the concept of armed self-defense.


  1. Local news isn't reporting much after the incident. I have a very good feeling alcohol was involved. That, and the past of the man that was shot probably shows a history of bad behavior.


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