24 November 2023

History. Ignorance. Rinse. Repeat.

And since people don't study history, most continue to insist that the Nazis were not in fact socialists. Far-left hatred of Jews today echoes the socialism and antisemitism of Hitler in the 1930s

The abbreviation is in part because National Socialist German Workers Party is too long for common use, but that is the full name of Germany's Nazi party. The Left buried that after the war, because they like socialism.

The National Socialists seized total control of Germany by spewing both rage against capitalism and rage against Jews.

The sound of that rage seems to be echoing around the political landscape today.

The party's very public war on "bourgeois" capitalism and private enterprise, however, today appears to be forgotten, ignored or rewritten by some academics and leftists who deny Hitler's National Socialists were actually socialists.

Victor Davis Hanson, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, told Fox News Digital on this topic, "Nazi taxation and subsidies for most people were more or less purely socialist, as it professed."

How would this list of demands go over on a college campus today?

The National Socialist German Workers Party platform offered a wish list of collectivist economic ideas.

"We demand," the party's 25 Theses stated, "abolition of incomes unearned by work [investment income] … the ruthless confiscation of all war profits … nationalization of all businesses which have been formed into corporations … profit-sharing in large industrial enterprises."

Do we think college students would be shocked to discover that their views are in line with the Nazis, or would they just adopt that group as a model the way they have rallied behind Bin Laden?

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