21 October 2023

Saturday Roundup of Link Roundups - 21 October

Wombat-socho is first with In The Mailbox: 10.18.23

Chicago Boyz: The Atrocity in Israel
Da Tech Guy: This week College students across the United States proved just how brainwashed they are

The Right Way - Top of the News

Rockets Fired at Israeli Airport- German Chancellor Hits the Deck on Runway - IOTW Report
Israel’s policy of prisoners for hostages- The New Neo

EBL - My Response To Nikki Haley 2024

EBL: Nikki Haley wants to let in 1,000,000 Palestinians Refugees to USA? 😬
This video clip from Tombstone sums my response just fine...
Instapundit: Nikki Haley and DeSantis responds to Haley

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily Tech News 18 October 2023: Shouty McTwintails Edition

How to hack Switzerland's new e-voting system. (Schneier on Security)
You still need to hack your targets' computers, but once you've done that, the carefully designed voting protocol does nothing to protect anyone.

The DaleyGator - The Daily Top 5

Who better than an Israel-hating terrorist sympathizer to vet potential terrorists?
When the federal government is looking for qualified persons to vet asylum seekers, where would you look?

Again from Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 10.19.23

CDR Salamander: Florida’s solution to the university problem
Dana Loesch: “I don’t want your blood money”

A View from the Beach - Flotsam and Jetsam - So, Joe is Back From Israel

At Da Caller, Biden White House’s Media Gaffe Could Put Operators’ Lives ‘In Danger,’ Special Operations Group Says. Put faces of special ops team on Facebook. “I don’t even know what to say. These are horrible operational security failures,”

Theo Spark - Bits and Bobs..............

U.S. warship intercepts missiles fired by Iran-backed Houthis
Intelligence Failures - Again
Refugees Not So Welcome Anymore

Battleswarm Blog - Tank News Roundup For October 18, 2023

All this is being done now because Ukraine finally made them pay attention to things that had already been identified as problems but not addressed. “Something like the Ukraine conflict is a little bit of a kick in the pants.”

Vlad Tepes - The facts of law in the UK (and everywhere now) a debate on vaxx deaths (sort of) Health Canada finds an issue with the Pfizer vaxx and addressing claims about Israel: Links 2 for October 20th, 2023

2. The UK Parliament actually held a debate on excess deaths in the UK, almost certainly due to the vaxx.
3. Health Canada admits they have found a carcinogenic DNA sequence in the Pfizer shots.

Wombat-socho again - In The Mailbox: 10.20.23

Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News, Animal’s Daily Canadian Energy News, and Rule Five Hiding Harris Friday
BattleSwarm: Ukraine Destroys Russian Helicopter Base

Gates of Vienna - News Feed 10/19/2023

COVID Shots Linked to Seizures in Toddlers, FDA Study Finds
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has revealed that a safety signal has been detected that suggests Covid mRNA shots may be linked to a spike in seizures among toddlers following vaccination.

Small Dead Animals - Thursday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America: Klaven solves the Israeli/Palestinian war. The book ban lie. New evidence about Biden’s documents. Will Americans fight for globalism? A fact check on Biden’s HRC speech. The Pro-Hamas insurrectionists.

Cafe Hayek - Some Links

My intrepid Mercatus Center colleague, Veronique de Rugy, lays out some hard facts about the hard reality now confronting the fiscally incontinent U.S. government.

J.J. Sefton at Ace of Spades HQ - The Morning Report — 10/19/23

"Someone is using decentralized blockchains to evade government censorship."
Globalists Fear Spartacus and His Slave Rebellion

Doug Ross - Larwyn’s Linx: The road ahead for Israel, America, and everyone else

• It’s Islam, Stupid Daniel Greenfield
• DHS Hired a Pro-Hamas Former PLO Spokeswoman to Handle Asylum Claims Daily Signal

Anonymous Conservative - News Briefs – 10/20/2023

Nearly 70% of US troops are overweight or obese, research report says. So the military is totally fucked. Now here is an alternative explanation. Milley, and the other Generals are actually patriots, and turned the military woke due to their love of the country.

I leave you with Wednesday's gifdump from Wirecutter, Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1393 from 90 Miles from Tyranny, and Thursday Memes … from MaddMedic.

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