21 October 2023

It's Different When Democrats Do It

From The Other McCain: Why Is KiwiFarms.net ‘Harassment,’ But What Taylor Lorenz Does Is ‘Journalism’?

The censorship of voices on the right is moving into the next phase.

Did you know that Taylor Lorenz has her own Kiwi Farms thread? Anyway, the question in the headline crossed my mind after reading KiwiFarms founder Joshua Moon’s complaint about how payment processors have blacklisted him. That was referenced in a comment on yesterday’s post about how Instapundit got demonetized by Google Adsense because of allegedly “dangerous” content.

The Instapundit bit is troubling because Google won't specify what the content that they object to is. So I conclude - and others as well - that what they really consider 'dangerous' is anything that contradicts the Democratic Party's talking points.

One on my favorite things about The Other McCain is that he has been following (it has been his job as a journalist) politics and related issues for a while, and he often puts things into perspective. Here is a bit of the statement on #GamerGate:

This leveraging of victimhood claims for fame and money was a fraud nearly as bogus as the Jussie Smollett “hate” hoax. To my knowledge, no one has ever produced any proof — e.g., an arrest affidavit — that Sarkeesian, Wu, and Quinn were victims of any criminal act. Where are the police mug shots of those dreadful misogynist villains accused of harassing these Courageous Feminist Heroes?

Anyway, go read the whole thing, there is quite a bit of information on several instances of censorship or other attacks on the right.

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