22 October 2023

Expecting the System to Protect You Is Foolish

I'm Shocked - Shocked I tell you! - that he would walk out of the hospital. POLICE: Suspect in home invasion walks out of Greenville hospital

This is a case - or it certainly looks like a case - of cops behaving stupidly.

He - allegedly - broke into an occupied home and was shot by the homeowner. That second part actually happened, because cops took him to a hospital, after they caught up with him in the car he stole.

The incident happened on the 11th. You can find my post on it at the following link. First He Got Shot, Then He Was Arrested.

He walked out of the hospital "against medical advice." I'm shocked.

Morehead City police would not say if hospital police were aware Savage faced charges and whether any measures were taken so that he didn’t leave on his own.

I'm shocked they won't comment on the fact that they let an armed home-invader go without bothering to arrest him, place a guard, handcuff him to the bed, or anything else they might have done.

Okay, I'm not shocked that the cops are in CYA mode. I am a bit shocked that they were this stupid.

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