01 September 2023

What Happens When Police Don't/Can't Enforce the Law?

Or I should ask, "What happens when citizens realize The System™ has abandoned them?" 3 shot by homeowners in separate alleged car break-ins around metro Atlanta

People breaking into cars were confronted by homeowners, because they know the police are going to do nothing. (Well, things may not be quite that bad in Georgia.) Criminals, who threaten those homeowners, end up on the wrong side of a legally owned gun.

Three people were shot, including two minors, after two separate metro Atlanta homeowners spotted them allegedly breaking into cars in recent days.

At least one of those people was shot in the head.

As Second City Cop says:

The Law is there to protect the criminals from pissed off citizens when the police aren't around:

The System™ has decided that cops won't be around, and won't enforce certain laws, and the result is exactly what a student of history might expect.


  1. I should have included a link to my usual statement on what Hobbes said in his book Leviathan

    1. The only security you have is what you can provide for yourself.

  2. Looks like we are looking at a period of nasty, brutish and short lifes if the Satanists persist continue destroying the center.

    1. Two references in one sentence... Well done.


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