08 August 2023

Tuesday Links - 8 August

From SiGraybeard we get the latest Space update. Voyager 2 Phones Home

To those who grew up with the Voyager "grand tour of the solar system" completed, and even to some of us who grew up before the two Voyagers launched a few weeks apart in 1977, it can be hard to internalize how much Voyager changed our mental images of the outer planets from before their missions.

The Other McCain - Everybody Keeps Indicting Trump, Without Regard for Consequences

Notice how Collinson pretends that all of this was Trump’s fault, as if nobody else involved — Attorney General Merrick Garland or Special Counsel Jack Smith — had any choice or discretion in the matter. No, they had to indict Trump. Because Trump “forced the country over this dangerous threshold,” which I suppose is pretty much how the Roundheads explained themselves after they beheaded King Charles I: “We had no choice! He made us do it!”

The Gateway Pundit - Democrat Rep. Connolly Says Americans Aren’t Buying ‘Bidenomics’ Because Joe Biden is “Too Modest to Take Credit” (VIDEO)

Bidenomics = High mortgage rates, high inflation rates, collapsed banks, expensive groceries, record high rent, and dwindling retirement accounts.

Fitch downgraded the US’s long-term credit rating to AA+ from AAA last week.

Again from The Other McCain - First Person Plural Pronouns

The corruption and decadence of the elite is a topic about which not enough has been written, and if I were to dwell on this topic, I’d have no time to write about anything else. Some people always snipe in the comments when I use the word “elite” to describe our society’s overclass, because they do not consider such people truly superior, as the word “elite” would seem to imply. Yet such are the socioeconomic realities that people enjoy elite status who are inferior — especially in a moral sense — and there is nothing We The People can do about it.

Moonbattery - NASCAR Driver Canceled Over Lighthearted Meme

No one is more based than the fan base of NASCAR, who gave us the original version of the patriotic chant “Let’s Go Brandon.” In contrast, no one is more woke than the moonbats who run it. The leftism imposed from approve is so repressive that driver Noah Gragson has been suspended indefinitely for not displaying sufficient reverence for a career criminal who died of a fentanyl overdose while resisting arrest against

Impro Guns - Another trench battle with homemade guns (Video)

Another video of PDF fighters taking shots at Junta forces from an entrenched position. Pictures and videos have previously surfaced of bolt action .223 rifles which appear to be the same featured.

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 7 August 2023: War And Lawn-Edging Edition

Don't buy Chromebooks. (Ars Technica)

Chromebooks generally have fixed lifespans after which they stop receiving updates, because Google is a garbage company in a garbage industry.

Amazon and Walmart are selling Chromebooks that have already expired, at full price, because garbage companies in garbage industries.

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