29 August 2023

Texas Homeowners Are Still Armed

They are also on the side of the police. Texas homeowner catches alleged burglar, holds him at gunpoint for cops

So a guy decided it would be a good idea to burglarize a Texan's detached garage or garden shed. (I looked at several stories; they only said "building on the property." Could have been anything.)

The homeowner confronts the would-be burglar and holds him at gunpoint. When a cop finally does arrive, he starts resisting arrest.

Deputy Chase Ceder responded to the scene where the suspect, identified as 47-year-old Brian Schmitt, attempted to resist arrest before two residents of the property assisted the sheriff’s deputy.

A second cop arrived, Sgt. Meagher, and the guy was taken into custody for burglary of a building and resisting arrest.

The Sheriff’s Office had nice things to say about the community.

"The Sheriff’s Office would like to commend the citizens involved for their quick thinking, willingness to act, and assistance of Deputy Ceder in this case," the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office said on its Facebook page.

As I said, I looked at several news stories on this incident, one that stood out as being particularly bad is from the UK's Mirror. (Not the greatest news organization on the planet.) Armed Texas homeowner stops burglar and holds him until cops arrive

I won't quote anything from them, in fact I hesitated to give them a link, but for completeness I did provide one. They have to go out of their way to prove how much disdain they have for the very idea of armed self-defense, maybe of self-defense at all. This shows up mostly in how far out of their way they went to talk about the competing self-defense data, and how Harvard, and all the right-thinking people, (left-thinking?) refuse to accept any number of self-defense incidents that shows self-defense might actually be a good thing. Click thru if you care to.

In the meantime, self-defense is a human-right, even if it isn't your legal right in the United Kingdom. Self-defense would seem to be your legal right in Texas.

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