17 August 2023

He Suffered A Failure of the Victim-selection Process

It appears he thought armed robbery was a good way to make money. Man claims self defense after deadly shootout at Nashville gas station

"Claims?" There is video evidence supporting his claim, but journalists HATE self-defense as much as DAs hate self-defense. Maybe more.

Johnson told officers he was exiting the market when he was confronted by Starks. According to police, Johnson said Starks pointed a gun at his head and pistol-whipped him multiple times before demanding he empty his pockets.

Police say the two men ran into the store where Johnson fired his handgun at Starks multiple times. Video surveillance, reviewed by MNPD, supports Johnson’s account of events.

The guy who started the altercation died at a local hospital.

Self-defense is a human-right, and Tennessee is not New Jersey.

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