07 August 2023

Are People This Out of Touch with Reality?

Apparently they are. Colorado landowner kills mountain lion on property, but is that legal? | FOX31 Denver

First what happened.

Thursday morning, CPW said it received a report of a mountain lion kill in Larkspur. When CPW rangers arrived at the residence, the homeowner told them he saw a mountain lion attack one of his sheep. The homeowner then shot and killed the lion.

But then the "journalists" seem shocked that the homeowner will not be charged. After all, it is not hunting season.

The reason this landowner will not face charges is that livestock owners can legally kill, or “take,” a predator that is in the act of attacking livestock or humans, according to CPW.

It is a sad commentary on the state common sense when people can't be assumed to know this.

1 comment:

  1. Here in Kommiecticut, that is the normal practice. Bobcats, coyotes, fishercats, even your neighbor's dog. Except when it is a bear. You know, because they are so cute and cuddly I guess. Kill a bear here and you will be exhaustively investigated and deemed guilty of bear murder unless you can prove your innocence. In my rural world, I would never call the "authorities" to report such a thing, but contact close associates to butcher and share the bear meat among ourselves.

    S-S-S for wildlife, except in this case the second "S" would be an "F" for freezer.

    FYI: S-S-S means Shoot `em - Shovel `em - Shut up


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