08 July 2023

What Happens When a News Story Conflicts with the Narrative?

From The Other McCain we get the following: National Media Instantly Sends Philly Mass Shooter Down the Memory Hole

The main problem with mass shootings, according to liberals, is not that people get killed, but that the “far right” might blame someone — i.e., that conservatives will point out that this crime doesn’t seem to fit the preferred media narrative about who commits mass shootings. The other problem: What about his/her/their pronouns?

The Chicago Police Department defines a mass shooting as an incident that involves 3 or more victims. By that measure, there have been 39 mass shootings in Chicago in 2023. How many have been national news? Granted, most are what HeyJackass! calls Hat Tricks, but even so, the lack reporting is interesting.

Anyway, click thru for The Other McCain's commentary on the situation in Philadelphia and in the media.

I keep telling you: Crazy People Are Dangerous. And the national media will now decide this is strictly “local news.”

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