20 June 2023

Tuesday Links - 20 June

Kevin Downey Jr. at PJ Media is up first with Rage Against the Pride Machine: We Don't Hate You, We Are Just Tired of Having Rainbows Thrust Down Our Heretofore Tolerant Gullets. I have said for a long time, that the current insanity was not good for anyone.

Here is an inconvenient truth, especially for the militant trans kids who desperately strive for attention and, more important, that beloved feeling of victimhood: no one cares what you wear or how you “identify.” No one cares enough to “hate” you. Frankly, you and your antics have become so boring you could put a can of Redbull to sleep.

And now it gets worse. Ready? I know a ton of gay people who are sick of your desperate drive for attention.

The Right Scoop - FREUDIAN SLIP: Democrat says Trump needs to be ‘shot’ on MSNBC

A Democrat from the Virgin Islands made what many feel is a ‘freudian slip’ today.

While bashing Trump for having classified information at Mar-a-lago and sharing it with anyone who comes through the doors, Delegate Stacey Plaskett said Trump needed to be ‘shot’, before quickly correcting herself and saying ‘stopped’:

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 17 June 2023: Indiana Jones And The Grapefruit Of Doom Edition

Welcome news from unexpected places, part one: The EU, in its eternal quest to meddle in absolutely everything, is planning to force device manufacturers to make batteries replaceable. (TechSpot)

This follows legislation coming into effect next year to require all mobile phones to be chargeable over USB-C.

Okay. Sure. I won't make fun of you for an entire day.

Granite Grok - The United Nations Lays Groundwork for Defining Pedophilia as a Human Right. (Why are we still a member of this abomination?)

Advocates for child rape have, for a long while, been looking for a way to legalize the sexual assault of children. NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Love Association, has been after it for decades, and it looks like the United Nations is here to help.

HeyJackass! - Father's Day Weekend

A non-demonizable, stress mishandling rundown of all the mostly peaceful, yet sometimes violent and "unacceptable" events in and around Chicago this past Father's Day weekend.

Adaptive Curmudgeon - Keep On Keeping On

I’ve been limiting my consumption of politics. Too many lies will give you indigestion. Even so, corruption and manipulation is so damn prevalent that it’s hard to evade. Maybe they’ve slipped past your guard. If so, I hope today’s post will help.

1 comment:

  1. That's some good writing right there"(Here is an inconvenient truth, especially for the militant trans kids who desperately strive for attention and, more important, that beloved feeling of victimhood: no one cares what you wear or how you “identify.” No one cares enough to “hate” you. Frankly, you and your antics have become so boring you could put a can of Redbull to sleep.) KUDOS and GOD bless you sir!


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