13 June 2023

San Francisco Has Morphed into East Germany

Don't question our authority. Do what we tell you. Snitch on your neighbors. Don't ask questions. If it isn't a fascist state, it is a cult. In many ways those tactics are indistinguishable from the tactics employed in East Germany. Conform or we will crush you.

That's always the answer. You're a racist, you're a bigot, you're - you know - anti-LGBTQ. It's the ad hominem attack if you say anything that veers from the furthest Left outreaches of the Democratic Party, which dominates the discourse in San Francisco.

The focus of the interview concentrates on school closures, but over all it is an indictment of the fascists (from the Left) reliance on name-calling. Name-calling works, because a lot of people (fewer than a couple of years ago) are terrified of being called a racist, or whatever smear the Left is throwing around about a particular topic.

The minute you question - and for whatever reason - lockdown during COVID was the policy of the Far Left, even though it was harmful to the working class, to poor children, it was harmful to the most vulnerable they claimed to be protecting. If you questioned it, because it was a policy of the Far Left, you were vilified.

Jennifer Sey was formerly an executive at Levis, she dared to question one of the Far Left maxims: Schools Must Be Closed During COVID. Something that today most people recognize was a horrible idea. At the time, she was branded a racist for wanting the public schools open. Schools that her children attended, while most of the complainers/name-callers either didn't have children, or were sending their children to wickedly expensive private schools.

But that isn't the ONLY issue. Any deviation from pure acceptance of the Far Left, and you are subjected to ad hominem attacks. You're an "Ist" of a "Phobe" or whatever the slur of the day was.

This is the California Insider video Former Resident: Why San Francisco is on the brink of losing its unique culture? | Jennifer Sey. It is a 36 minute video, so plan accordingly.

1 comment:

  1. I had a chance to visit East Berlin just a month before the end of the wall and I saw no feces, syringes, flash mobs of thieves, and random street violence.

    You have to hand it to the communist in Eastern Europe, they didn't tolerate breaking the law.


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