25 June 2023

Indiana Jones and The Box Office of Doom

Given everything that Disney has been doing to Lucasfilm (and other) bits of intellectual properties, I never had much desire to see this film.

Because Disney and Lucasfilm are tainted brands.

Then the reviews from the Cannes Film Festival came out, and my chances of actually seeing this movie went from slim to none.

This is the Nerdrotic's video Indiana Jones 5 is DOOMED | Another Disney FLOP?

The pre-release projections of box-office for this film are running in the $60 to $70 million dollars range in the US market. That may sound like a lot, but this is a movie that has an admitted budget of $295 million, though some people are saying that with all the reshoots, the budget - before marketting - is very much in excess of $300 million. Add in at LEAST $100 million in marketing - and maybe a lot more than that. Now consider that the movie theaters don't get 100% of the box office. Theaters in the US and Canada get about half. (Actually they get slightly less than half from Disney, because pre-2014, Disney movies were a sure thing.) And the studios get considerably less than half of the box office from overseas. All of that means that the film needs to bring in something like $800 million at the box office just to break even.

This is the Film Threat "Spoiler-free Review" of the movie, featuring Chris Gore, Alan Ng, with guest Dante James. There is also a review with spoilers from Film Threat, it is easy enough to find.

Oh, and the title to this post IS a quote from the Nerdrotic video.

Remember that Politics are downstream of Culture. We cannot afford to abandon the culture to the Radical Left.

1 comment:

  1. I saw Indiana Jones Meets Erich von Däniken, I mean and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (wow, that was 2008). I have no interest in seeing it again. You'd think the only way they could go would be up.

    I grew up on Star Wars, having seen the original trilogy in theaters. The Last Jedi was the last trilogy movie I saw in a theater. It was garbage. I rented The Rise of Skywalker. It was okay, but the Palpatine twist was annoying. Much like Darth Maul in the Solo movie.

    Everything wasn't rosy, though. The prequels didn't help. You could say Lucas started digging the grave. Disney nailed the coffin shut.


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