16 June 2023

Friday Links - 16 June

The Other McCain is up first with Approaching the Nadir of Wokeness

Because that’s what this is really about — money. In order to achieve this “equality,” everybody will be forced to pay more for health insurance, in order to subsidize “access to parenting options” for men disinclined (or unable) to do what men otherwise do to become parents. And if you complain about this, of course, you’re a dangerous extremist and the FBI will soon be wiretapping your phone.

Granite Grok - It’s NOT Your Country Anymore … At What Point Will You WTFU And Realize That?

America has a new flag. We will wave the old flag on occasion, as long as it is clear that the old flag … the one with the stars and the stripes … is subordinate to the new flag. But just keep kidding yourselves … either that all that is needed is to nominate Trump or, alternatively, all that is needed is to nominate DeSantis (or someone else) … and the ballot-harvesting will magically no longer matter.

The Other McCain again - Chaos in NYPD as Commissioner Resigns

Let’s begin by acknowledging that everybody involved in this story is black. The mayor’s black, the police commissioner is black, Chief Maddrey is black and so, too, is retired cop Kruythoff Forrester. Therefore, anyone trying to find a “social justice” angle here is going to be disappointed.

The Gateway Pundit - In First Month in Office Crime Jumps 38% Under New Chicago Mayor Johnson

When Chicagoans voted out Lori Lightfoot and put Mayor Brandon Johnson in charge, they doubled-down on the progressive soft on crime approach and went full commie.

And they are getting exactly what they voted for.

Professor David Yamane at Gun Culture 2.0 - Reflections on a Firearms Law Workshop with Ideologically Diverse Attendees (Light Over Heat #54)

The intellectual diversity of the attendees was notable and beneficial. So, too, was the civil nature of the conversation despite people’s differences. It reinforced my belief in having civil conversations about guns across differences in face-to-face settings where no one has to worry about things getting posted to social media or otherwise broadcast.

Donald J. Boudreaux at AIER - Cleaned by Capitalism and Soiled by Socialism

Regulations such as this one, of course, also make our immediate environments dirtier and, hence, less healthy. As the Journal’s Editors drolly put the matter to their readers: “Did you enjoy last night’s spaghetti, still crusted on the plate? Now you can taste it twice.”

Sadly yet predictably, our overlords in Washington aren’t content to further worsen the performance only of our dishwashers.

Again from The Other McCain - Another Day, Another Deadline

Hunter S. Thompson never solved his Deadline Crisis Syndrome either, but I would hate to follow his example too closely, consider how that ultimately worked out.

Professor Yamane again - Review of “Merchants of the Right: Gun Sellers and the Crisis of American Democracy” by Jennifer Carlson

Judging from the regular inquiries I receive from international media, a robust civilian gun culture is enigmatic outside the United States. Or at least the particular civilian gun culture of the United States is. As the interdisciplinary study of guns shows, it is enigmatic to many Americans as well.

And again from The Other McCain - ‘All I Wanted Was a Pepsi’

Why have Bud Lite sales plummeted?
Why is Target being boycotted? Why are all this lousy “woke” movies bombing at the box office?

Because STOP TELLING US WHAT TO THINK, that’s why.

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