14 June 2023

Algorithms Are Hard - They Are Math After All

It is amazing how Instagram manages to police some things (like anything that contradicts the Green Narrative™, or COVID's origin, or ...), and seems to be blind to other things. Instagram algorithm boosted 'vast pedophile network': report

Instagram’s recommendation algorithms linked and even promoted a “vast pedophile network” that advertised the sale of illicit “child-sex material” on the platform, according to the findings of an alarming report Wednesday.

Instagram allowed users to search by hashtags related to child-sex abuse, including graphic terms such as #pedowhore, #preteensex, #pedobait and #mnsfw — the latter an acronym meaning “minors not safe for work,” researchers at Stanford University and the University of Massachusetts Amherst told the Wall Street Journal.

Hat tip goes to JP Sears and his video Instagram Censors You But Allows This?! One of his rare, non-comedy videos. It isn't a laughing matter, after all.

And because someone is sure to point out that Instagram is NOT F*c*book, a reminder: Instagram is owned by Meta, the same company that owns F*c*book. So what I want to know is how much money did Meta make off of this "network." And could that have any connection to why it wasn't shut down like people asking questions about the origins of COVID-19 were? Or were there people - in Meta or outside of the company - pushing to keep this active? We know the government was pushing Meta and Twitter and YouTube and Google and ... to censor anything that they didn't agree with. So how did this slip thru their fingers. Maybe they just don't care. Maybe they are part of the problem. I'm sure we will never find out the answers to any of these questions.

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