05 March 2023

Star Trek Discovery - STD Will Be Cured in 2024

Not soon enough, by all accounts.

I don't have Paramount+, so I have seen only a couple of complete episodes of this show. I couldn't be bothered. Clips show up on YouTube from time to time, and they are cringe at best. The series was trash, but then the past 10 years or so has seen all of Star Trek turn into trash. All 4 fans of the series will be disappointed STD it has been canceled.

I watched the original series back in the day. I watched The Next Generation. (Is that also "back in the day?" Probably) I watched all of the movies through the 1st of the Reboot series, Star Trek (2009), and then I dropped out. I know people thought the 2009 movie was great. I thought it stunk. It was a giant cheat. Why not move forward from the end of ST:TNG? Because that would require creativity, and the people in Hollywood have none. Create new characters? We can just rewrite the characters from the '60s. They also have no respect for the Intellectual Property that they inherited, and they shit all over it. And so after many series, and many movies, all of which made money, they decided to ignore what fans wanted. And now they are keepers of an IP that no one cares about. No. One. It is worthless, or the next best thing to worthless.

As Gary mentions in the video below, there was not a single "classic" episode of this insanity.

This is the Nerdrotic Daily video Star Trek Discovery CANCELLED! Alex Kurtzman FAILS MISERABLY!

This is Gary's older video Top 5 MURDERED Franchises in case you haven't seen it. Star Trek came in at Number 3 on the list of murdered franchises.

And again, politics is downstream of culture. The conservatives made a huge miscalculation when they decided that they wouldn't worry about comics, movies, science fiction, and all that other stuff that was "beneath" them. They are sober, serious folks. Well, maybe not completely sober all the time. And don't bother them on Sunday afternoons during sportsball season when they are screaming at the televison. Now we are reaping the benefits in politics. Oh, they also decided that teaching school was beneath them. Witness the result - the woke nonsense going on in our schools.

The reality of education, as it should have been, was summed up by Jim Butcher in his novel Ghost Story in the character of The Leanansidhe, Harry Dresden's fairy godmother Lea.

“What is teaching but the art of planting and nurturing power?” Lea replied. “Mortals prattle on about lonely impulses of delight and the gift of knowledge, and think that teaching is a trade like metalsmithing or healing or telling lies on television. It is not. It is the dissemination of power unto a new generation and nothing less. For her, as for you, lessons demand real risk in order to attain their true rewards.”

If you haven't read The Dresden Files by Butcher, you might like it. I liked all of it except the last 2 novels, and am probably done with it forever. But Jim Butcher had his moments. (The first novel is weak, but entertaining, and the series gets better as time goes by. At least until the last 2.)

Is there any data on how much money Paramount+ lost overall? Disney lost billions on their streaming service. What did Paramount do?

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